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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit the pdps.ge service website (hereinafter "the Website"). The use of necessary cookies ensures the proper functioning of the Site, other types of cookies facilitate its use, it stores the name of the user within the web browser. This saves you from having to re-enter the Site each time you visit it. It also stores the language chosen by the user, the size of the font and other functions that help in the daily use of the website.

The website uses "first-party cookies" that are essential for the site to provide the services requested by a user. "First-party cookies are used only by the pdps.ge website; they are not shared with third parties (such as Google) and are mostly necessary for the website to function.

The website also uses “Third-party cookies”, which facilitate website usage or are used to obtain statistical data about the website users.

Which cookies do we use and why?

The website uses the following cookies:

Cross-site request forgery token (xsrf-token) - a fake malware request function is used to extract data from the website, generating a fake cross-site request, the above marker is stored as a cookie on the device and is important to the functioning of the website. A cross-site request forgery token (xsrf-token) is stored on the user's device for 30 minutes. This cookie is automatically deleted when the website is closed. The user request token is an anti-counterfeiting cookie used to block cross-site request forgery. It is not used to collect user data. The user request token is stored on the user's device and is automatically deleted when the web browser is closed.

Google Analytics internal user ID - Google Analytics is a simple, easy-to-use tool that helps website owners obtain statistical information about their users. When the analytics tool is used, certain types of cookies are stored within the website. Google Analytics internal user IDs are used to statistically identify users and are stored on the user's device for 2 years. It can be deleted by deleting cookies in the web browser settings.

Google Analytics response time - The Google Analytics response time is used to determine the speed of the request and is stored in the user's device for 1 minute. It can be deleted by deleting cookies in the web browser settings.

Google Analytics Temporary User ID - The Google Analytics Temporary User ID is used to differentiate users and is stored on the user's device for 24 hours. It can be deleted by clearing cookies in the web browser settings.

Other cookies used by Google - Other cookies used by Google (PREF VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA, YSC) are used to analyse users' browsing habits, data flows, data sources and other relevant information. They can be deleted by deleting cookies in the web browser settings.

Adaptive cookies (shrink size and contrast) - adaptive cookies are used to enable the adaptive functionality of the website. The cookies are stored on the user's device until the end of the session and are essential for the correct functioning of the website.

Laravel framework session identifier (pdpsge_session) - The Laravel framework session identifier is used to identify a user's session and is essential for the website to function correctly. It is used by the website to identify the user's preferred language, font colour and other personal settings. The Laravel framework session identifier (laravel_session) is stored on the user's device and is automatically deleted when the session ends or the web browser is closed.

Visitor cookies – These cookies (laravel_cookie_consent) are essential to facilitate future use of the website. They are stored in the user's device, are created with the user's first input within the website, It can be deleted by deleting cookies in the web browser settings itself.