

Recommendations on the Protection of Personal Data of Minors have been published

We are sharing with you recommendation prepared by the Service for processing the personal data of minors.არასრულწლოვნების-პერსონალური-მონაცემების-დამუშავების-შესახებ.pdf

It is noteworthy that the new law “On Personal Data Protection” establishes a special standard for the processing of Personal Data of minors.  By the Article 7 of the Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” regulates Procedure and conditions for obtaining consent to the processing of data related to minors. According to the Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection”, when processing data related to a minors, the controller is obligated to consider and protect the best interests of the minor.

The recommendation is formulated based on the analysis of the normative content of the Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” and international standards, including the guidelines recommendations of the “European Data Protection Board” (“EDPB”). Furthermore, they are grounded in a study conducted by the Personal Data Protection Service titled "Protection of Personal Data of Minors - Theory and Practice."არასრულწლოვანთა-პერსონალურ-მონაცემთა-დაცვა-თეორია-და-პრაქტიკა.pdf

The guideline is open to recommendations and considerations and will be updated periodically.

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Your reference, already published recommendations can be found at:

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