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The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia conducted training for public sector data protection officers in Adjara

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia conducted training for public sector data protection officers in Adjara.

The President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, opened the information-practical meeting. Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili spoke about the importance of the new Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection", emphasized the role of Data Protection Officers and representatives of the public sector, and expressed the readiness for future support.

The Personal Protection Officer of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Tengiz Mamulia, conducted the training. He reviewed the obligations provided for by the new Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" and gave practical advice to be considered in the activities of data protection officers.

The information sessions were attended by up to 150 DPOs from the public sector in Adjara. The meeting was held in an interactive mode and the Data Protection Officer, Mr. Tengiz Mamulia, gave detailed answers to the DPOs' questions.

It should be noted, that the representative of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia also operates in Adjara (address: Batumi, Baku Street, #48), where representatives of public and private organizations can receive consultations.

A similar informative practical meeting for private sector DPOs will take place tomorrow, 3 July, in Batumi.

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