

Personal Data Protection Service released the 6-month activity report of 2024


Personal Data Protection Service released the 6-month activity report of 2024.

Citizen’s applications

During the reporting period, the service received 1235 applications/notifications, 1135 (92%) applications/notifications related to data processing in private institutions, 78 (6%) — in public institutions, and 22 (2%) — in law enforcement bodies.

Examination of the lawfulness of data processing (inspection)

The Service initiated 93 examinations (inspections) of data processing lawfulness, out of which 39% (36) were planned, whereas 61% (57) were unplanned inspections. Revealed administrative offences.

Revealed administrative offences

The Service identified 145 cases of unlawful processing of personal data, out of which 25 cases were studied in the scope of the examinations (inspections) initiated in 2023 and conducted (completed) in the reporting period, while 120 cases were studied in the scope of the examinations (inspections) initiated and conducted in 2024. 79% (115) of administrative offences revealed by the Service related to unlawful data processing in the private sector, 21% (30) — in the public sector, and 0% (0) — in law enforcement bodies.

Instructions and recommendations issued by the service

The service gave 208 instructions and recommendations to public institutions, private organizations as well as to law enforcement bodies.

Consultations provided by the service

During the reporting period, the service provided 11 201 consultations both orally (via telephone communications and in-person meetings) and in writing.

Monitoring of the covert investigative actions and the activities carried out at the central databank of the electronic communication identification data

The Service used the suspension mechanism of covert wiretapping and recording of telephone communications (via electronic control system) in 43 cases.

During the reporting period, the Service received 1 notification regarding the data breach (incident) from the data controller.

The Service conducted 87 meetings with 5246 attendees, represented by the data subjects as well as data controllers.

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