

Personal Data Protection Service has launched a 4-Day Training Course on Data Protection Officers for Private Sector Representatives

Personal Data Protection Service has launched a 4-Day Training Course on Data Protection Officers for Private Sector Representatives

The 20-hour course is divided into two groups and covers the following topics: functions of the DPO - duties, independence and elimination of conflicts of interest, main principles of their activity and competence. As well as other important changes in the new law "On Personal Data Protection".

The course will be attended by 80 representatives of the private sector, subject to prior registration. Information on the dates and the registration form will be published on the Service's official website and social media.

A training course on DPOs is also planned for representatives of the public sector and law enforcement bodies in the context of their relations with such organizations.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the course.

We would like to remind you that the new law "On the protection of personal data" requires public institutions and certain private organisations to appoint or designate a person responsible for the protection of personal data. The novelty will enter into force on 1 June.

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